Thursday, February 23, 2017

Celebrity Jealousy


This article talks about the celebrities jealousy, like how Kobe was jelaous of Shaq, and how D-Wade was jelaous of LeBron James and many other celebrity jealousy. This article shows that anyone can be jealous of another no matter your status.

"by the world, I think my wife be honest, and think she is not; I think that thou art just, and think thou art not. I'll have some proof"

Othello is trying to say he doesn't know what to think of his wife, and needs proof of something happening.

Personal connection

When in school different people come and tell you different stories, sometimes I don't know who to believe and when I don I don't know what part of the story to belive,

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Image result for naruto and sasuke as kids

Naruto Is jealous of how cool Sasuke is, and  that all the girls like Sasuke, and that all the boys want to be Sasuke, and that nobody is paying attention, he thinks that of Sasuke as a jerk, and wants to fight him for those reasons.

"The thought whereof doth, like a poisonous mineral, gnaw my inwards; and nothing can or shall content my soul till I am evened with him."(pg. 40 in.296-299)"

The quote means that is that the thought of Othello makes him feel sick and nothing shall free his soul till he is even with him. Iago is behaving as if he'd been wronged by Othello.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Image result for naruto episode bitter rivals

Naruto and Sasuke release their ultimate weapons against each other, and just in time Kakashi arrives to stop the fight. Sasuke is jealous that Naruto continue to surpassing him in power level and wants to kill Naruto because of it.

"I hate the moor, and it is thought abroad that "twixt my sheets h'as done my office.
I know not if't be true, but I, for mere suspicion in that kind, will do as if for surety.

I believe that this quote means that he doesn't like Othello and that, Othello is doing his manly duty in the bed, when that should be him

Thursday, February 2, 2017


Image result for spongebob im ready gif

                   I am full of energy, always and by far always in a good mood

Image result for energetic naruto

Naruto Shippuden is the best Anime